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For those of you that are new to Stylish Patina, I just wanted to say hello. I am a mom of four a wife and lover of business, marketing and all things HOME related.

The blog is filled with anything from my Real Estate Picks, Interior Design trends, curated gifts from the shop, my favorite mom hacks and DIY Furniture Painting tips + tricks!

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Real estate

Do you love house shopping? Keep reading to get  info, tips & news about the Northern Virginia Real Estate Market. Local market insights from an ACTUAL local! It doesn't get better than that. 

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The shop

From Home Decor, Vintage Furniture and a selection of the best Gifts you'll ever find, this is the place for impulse purchases! 

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Paint & DIY

This is where you dive deep. Deep into all our how to's, inspiration posts and personal projects. We've been doing this for 15 years, so get ready for LOTS of amazing content right at your fingertips!

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hey there!

I'm Kelly Millspaugh Thompson.

I am a native of Northern Virginia and love being a REALTOR in my hometown! I am a  recovering  Corporate Exec turned Serial Entrepreneur. I live & work in my hometown of Falls Church, VA. I love all things HOME related. 

I have owned a Home Furnishing + Gift shop in Falls Church City called Stylish Patina Home for over 10 years. Come say hi!


Master the Basic Finish Technique!

no priming 
no sanding 
no joke!

Grab this FREE guide & learn exactly how to acheive the Basic Finish you see on many of our pieces! 

Visit us in the shop
Falls Church, Va

We would love to see your smiling face in the shop or we can pack up a pretty package and mail it to your door step!