
Meet Finley Harper

posted on

March 10, 2022

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Meet Finley Harper Thompson, #5 in our Crew

As many of you know if you follow me on IG we had our 5th and final baby in December! She ended up coming early due to some complications we found out about in the 30th week of pregnancy. She was born healthy but ended up in the NICU for 2 weeks. I was in the hospital for 5 days recovering from a c-section and an additional surgery that was required after she was born.

It was a bit of a scary time but now 2.5 months later we are all plugging right along! She is 110% healthy and so am I. We are grateful for the big and crazy family we have been blessed with. The kids adore Finley and she is starting to respond to them which is so much fun to watch.

I am trying to soak it all in. We new this would be our last baby but at times I still get a little weepy thinking no more baby first, snuggles, and all the cuteness that come with a newborn. Yes the sleepless nights, pumping, nursing, juggling all of the things is also hard but I think after each one it gets easier. Really I think you just don’t worry + stress as much. You worry less about the little things and focus on the big things -enjoying them.

I am very structured with my babies mainly because I need to be able to sleep. I’m no good without sleep but each baby I figure out new ways to sleep train them or feed them quickly at night so we both can get back to sleep. In the end they will sleep through the night, they will get big, they will need you less. But you can’t get those snuggles back so enjoy them.

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For those of you that are new to Stylish Patina, I just wanted to say hello. I am a mom of four a wife and lover of business, marketing and all things HOME related.

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