
New in Store: Science and Nature Based Kids Toys

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July 6, 2021

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We’re about a month into summer; and my sweet, active curious kids are in need of some fun and stimulating toys… and I bet yours are too. Copernicus Toys designs science & nature-based activity kits, games, and toys and we’re now carrying several of their kits in store!

Copernicus Toys creates science based kids toys for students of the fantastic and collectors of the remarkable. At its best, play is free from limits. These toys are designed to expand their creativity -not box them in! The best part is that whether your kiddo is three, or Grandpa is 99, these kits are fun and interesting. They’ll inspire all the generations in your house to play and learn together. Creating an enriching and fun childhood moment—or tween, teen, parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent, human moment!

What makes these science based toys so great?

They purposefully use gender-neutral toy design to empower kids to pursue interests independent of stereotypes and decide for themselves what is fun. The toys reach into your kid’s inner geek & stretch what toys can and should be. Play for Discovery! Play is a way kids discover themselves and the world. With these science based toys from Copericus, kids can grow a crystal tree, experiment with chemistry, forge new worlds with a bouncy ball, or get messy with slime! The toys & activities develop and exercise problem-solving, fine motor skills, organization, concentration, and so much more!

Here’s what we’ve got in store for you!

Glowing Putty Gels and Slime Kit. The science of slime means hands on explorations of states of matter. The chemistry behind gels, polymers, and phosphorescence. Experiment making glow-in-the-dark gel, a putty substance that flows and stretches, breaks and bounces, eco-foam fizzle, and much more! There are 15 experiments to explore in each kit!

Crystal Growing Cherry Tree. Watch a festival of microcrystals grow and bloom before your eyes with this amazing experiment. The kit includes a paper tree form, a tray, terraforming solution and instructions. You’ll love how the tree grows and changes right in front of your eyes!

NanoGlux Glowing Putty. Kids will be enchanted by the super awesome stretchy putty that can bounce like a ball, tear like paper, and even shatter like ceramic! Great for a stress reliever at the office or for college students studying for finals! We have a bright green, a light blue, and neon purple. Place your Glow GLUX under a bright light or sunlight for a minute and let the putty soak in the energy. Now when you bring it into a dark space your putty will be brilliant!

Volcano in a Box. Crafts and science fun all in one project! Build your own volcano with the awesome kit. Each kit contains papier-mache, paint set, volcano forms, and complete instruction booklet. Use vinegar & baking soda to erupt and make a volcanic explosion right in your own home. Safe and non-toxic; though best for ages 6 and up.

Don’t forget to pop by the shop to visit us at our Boutique in Falls Church City! We are open in our NEW location. We’re right next to Panera and our Main Entrance is located on Pennsylvania Avenue! There’s even free parking in the garage right next door, so be sure to come by and say Hello!

Follow along on Instagram @stylishpatina

kelly millspaugh thompson

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