
Life with Twins: Reflections

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June 9, 2015

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The P&L (Peyton & Liam) show is getting really fun these days. They are 8 months old and we had to move the cribs all the way down (a sad day for momma).  If you follow along via Fb or Instagram you can get a peek into the crazy life of our twins.  I am juggling work and the kids and some days are more productive than others that is for sure.  A little update about the munchkins…

Liam is getting HUGE he started out smaller than his sissy (as we call her or Miss P) and we called him Benjamin Button for a while because he came out looking like an old man.  His other nick name was grumpy gus…now a days he is a chunky monkey and happy little guy.  Most days his sister is running all over him LITERALLY and he is happy to chill out and take in the scenery.  His favorite things these days are: 1) solid food doesn’t matter what he loves to eat! 2) music 3) his sissy he loves to give her kisses as she is running over him 4) the dogs he enjoys chasing hem around the house in the “car” (walker) 5) and his momma he will be my boy for sure! 6) his “car” the walker.  7) Mickey Mouse Club. Here are a few recent pictures of him…

Now for Miss P (Peyton) she is a wild child and as my mom says is my “payback” baby.  She cannot be contained… literally.  She crawled April 27th (Liam is still deciding if he wants to crawl) and now she is pulling up on EVERYTHING and looking like she wants to walk.  She has been a really easy baby from the beginning and slept through the night at 3 months. Miss P is on the move she has places to go and people to see (and boss around).  She tends to climb over her brother to get things and likes to take toys away from him.  On occasion she gives him a kiss or a smile but usually she is busy standing in her crib and getting into trouble.  Miss P’s favorite things these days are: 1) bossing her brother around with a big smile 2) crawling 3)pulling up on everything 4) her daddy 5) her boyfriend Henry down the street (another twin) 6) her “car” the walker 7) her big stuffed lamb (thanks auntie Yvette).  Here are a few pictures of her…

I am loving this age with the kids so much fun and a little sad because they are getting so big already……come and see us this month at Rough Luxe June 26-28th.  The theme is “Off to the lake” think Vintage Americana, Tee pee’s, camp fires and a little Ralph Lauren style thrown in.

Comments +

  1. Cindy Chartier says:

    Hello Kelly,
    I have never done any furniture painting. I am in need of some assistance. I have a beautiful sunburst design oak table from the 80’s. It is still in pretty good condition…but if even a slightly hot cup is put directly onto the table it leaves a white mark. Some will come out with the magic eraser….but I am hoping for a more permanent solution. Is there any type of coating or finishing or wax that I could put directly onto the top of the table to protect it….without having to strip or refinish the entire table? Any assistance would be appreciated.
    Cindy Chartier
    PS. I also have twins. They are now 16! We had 4 children under 3 1/2 years old. Oldest was 34 months, twins were 14 months and then Baby Jake came along. So now I have 4 teenagers in the house. 18, 16, 16 and 15!! yikes. Just remember…Days are long…years are short!! Enjoy them ….once they start crawling and walking….YOUR life as you know it will be a fond memory!! :o)))

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