
Life With Twins

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November 14, 2014

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** Warning post written by a sleep deprived mother please excuse poor spelling/grammar and disheveled thoughts **

I have been attempting to write this post for a few weeks and as all of you other moms know it’s just been impossible to find the time.  As many of you can imagine life is forever changed now that we have a child and it’s double changed since we had TWO!  Liam & Peyton are currently are biggest blessing and biggest challenge.

We have been trying to settle in to life as parents.  James went back to work and so I have been attempting to figure out how to manage two newborns. Luckily we have family in the area and they provide much needed support and encouragement during these many many sleep deprived days and nights.  I knew this was going to be tough but I had no idea how exhausting and frustrating my little bundles of joy would be.  After trying to start our family for 5 years I know how blessed me are to have L&P and I wouldn’t change anything BUT I’d start a saving account for night nanny services for the 1st 3 months:-).

I have written this post in my head a dozen times and had every intention of doing at least a weekly post called “Life with Twins” that obviously didn’t happen yet!  I have been sharing lifes daily challenges and wins on Facebook with pictures and short posts so be sure to follow along on Facebook and Instagram. As we speak I am sitting in a dark living room at the crack of dawn drying to type this quickly before I hear the cry of a little person needing to be fed (just heard one!)

I’ll eventually catch you all up on our crazy life with twins and the house but for now here are a few pictures of our little angels.


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Comments +

  1. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. I only had one so I can’t imagine these early days with two. BUT I will tell you they are more exhausting when they get bigger. Love the personality, but really can wear you out. Especially when they’re toddling and putting things in there mouth. So, enjoy the days when they sleep and don’t talk back 🙂 And start saving for a Nanny. Also, a friend of mine had twins and I know that she found the Twins Club of Nova invaluable. If you haven’t connected with them yet, do it now.

    All the best!

  2. Gigi Harlan says:

    They are precious! You will make it though these sleepless days and nights. Before you know it they will be sleeping though the night and starting to crawl. What beautiful little gifts from God!

  3. Hallie Zimmers says:

    As a mom of 4-year-old twins, I can totally relate and felt the exact same way you did in the beginning. A blessing but oh so incredibly exhausting. But you’ll get yourself into a routine and now I feel like having twins is the way to do it because I have two wonderful kids who play together and have the same routine. As a working mom, it’s a huge help in many ways–you just have to survive the first part! And don’t forget to write down the adorable things you think you’ll never forget because exhaustion does a number on your longterm memory!

  4. Ginni says:

    Hang in there! I saw your precious babies and I quickly said a prayer- every mom knows this stage. We all remember (oh so, so well) what you are experiencing in this moment just seeing these photos. I think moms like us who must wait a little longer to receive our angels have a special appreciation for them. Be strong and do not be too hard on yourself. Take it one day at a time. Enjoy them now. Do not fret about much. Just feed them. Change them. Rock them. Love them. And talk to them. They speak much sooner if you look into their eyes and tell them about what you are doing, especially at this first year. (Right now, Mama is cooking dinner. And I am getting ready to take a nap, too. Let’s fix your bib.) People will freak you out and admonish you about how hard it gets later. That is just so silly. (Well-meaning people did that to us. They were wrong.) It gets better and better, easier and easier. (Um, also, because you sleep more in the future.) I am sending you prayers for YOUR good sleep. Believe me, starting now, you will smile more in your life than you ever thought was possible. Children are that much fun. It is worth the work you are putting in now and the dividends will pay off forever. You just don’t know it yet. Congratulations to you both on your new life with the babies!

    P.S. Best book you will ever read for this stage of life:
    Secrets of the Baby Whisperer, by Tracy Hogg.

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