
Building a Terrarium

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April 18, 2014

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It’s time for another flower / gardening tip from Deborah of The Little Garden Spot!  Here is a blog post on making your own terrarium and fun and easy way to add a little green into your home.  Deborah brings in fresh flowers each week to the shop for you to buy so be sure to come and pick up an arrangements as a gift or for your home.  Take it away Deborah…..

One of my favorite ways to bring a garden indoors  is with a terrarium.  If you don’t have a lot of time, or don’t think you have a “green thumb,” this mini garden is for you!

 You will need:
-a clean glass container
-a few plants (succulents are great, or other plants that stay small)
-gravel or pebbles
-activated charcoal (you can find this at your local garden center or aquarium supply stores)
-sheet moss
-decorations (optional)
Make sure you start with a clean, glass container.  Mix together gravel, pebbles, and the charcoal pieces to make your first layer.  This layer should be about an inch thick.
Next, spread a layer of moss over the rocks to keep the soil from filtering into the rocks.
Add about 2 inches of soil (depending on your container, you may need more or less soil)
Make a few small holes and add plants.
Next, place your decorations.  Cover the soil with moss or rocks.
Lightly water.
Place in a spot with indirect sunlight and water as needed.
If you don’t have time to make one yourself swing by the shop and pick one up.  I’ll have a couple at Stylish Patina for sale.  They are perfect for your home or office!
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* Mark you calendar for the next Rough Luxe Market is April 25-27th
* May 3rd Basic paint class for Chalk Paint & MIlk Paint, REGISTER ONLINE

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