
Before + After, GF Gel Stain

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October 20, 2016

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Heather, aka “Handy Heather”, a long time SP employee and our resident DIY girl has an awesome before + after she did in her sisters new home. Here is the before shot of the stair case that her sister wanted Heather to redo for her.


She used one of our favorite products in the shop General Finishes Gel Stain.  We love this product because there is no sanding or stripping you just apply it over the existing finish. She mixed 2 colors Java + Brown Mahogany and applied two coats (see gel stain blog post here).  The white paint she recommends Pure White Chalk Paint that we sell in the shop + online as well.

I asked Heather how long the project took she said a couple days with the multiple coats of paint + stain but a huge cost savings!  Apparently the floor refinisher was at the house when she was working and said he would have charged between $2800-$5000 to do the project.  The materials cost around $100 so with a little manual labor you can save your self a fortune!


It looks awesome, nicely done Handy Heather!  If you haven’t checked out GF Gel Stain you need to.  We love it for refreshing vintage dining tables and the tops of dressers/buffets.

Comments +

  1. Janice Tapajcik says:

    Wow!!! What a difference – Handy Heather really is “handy”!!!!!

  2. Hi you have a cool website It was very easy to post fantastic

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